Dette er Niels Juel Pedersen A/S overensstemmelseserklæring.


Dette er den europæiske standard SBC 1279.


Links til lidt info om CE-mærkning. 



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Der tages forbehold for tastefejl.

The data are calculated using spectral measurements that are conform to standards EN 410 (1998), ISO 9050 (1990) and WIS/WINDAT. The tolerance of published data with respect to photometric properties is +/- 3 points.
The U-value (formerly k-value) is calculated according to standard EN 673. The emissivity measurement complies with standards EN 673 (Annex A) and EN 12898. The U-value tolerance is +/- 0.1W/m².K
This document is no evaluation of the risk of glass breakage due to thermal stress. For tempered glass: the risk of spontaneous breakage due to Nickel-Sulfide is not covered by Glaverbel. The Heat Soak Test is available on request.

Specifications, technical and other data are based on information available at the time of preparation of this document and are subject to change without notice. Glaverbel can not be held responsible for any deviation between the data introduced and the conditions on site. This document is only informative, in no way it implies an acceptance of the order by Glaverbel.

Der tages forbehold for tastefejl.

